Construction and maintenance update 2022

T pier bathroom facilities upgrade

We’re pleased to announce that the newly refurbished T pier toilets are now up and running, using the award-winning Exeloo product. We thank you for your patience while this work was underway and apologise for any disruption or inconvenience that may have been caused.

Reclamation update

Work on AB pier is now complete and vessels will start occupying the new berths sometime this month. The temporary car park on the new reclamation has been extended and is now open for the duration of the summer months. Temporary access to the new piers will be provided via A/AA gate using a gangway structure.

The design for the permanent car park has now been finalised and construction is expected to begin around March 2023. Please be aware that the temporary access to the new piers via A/AA gate will have to be closed for the duration of the permanent car park works. The gate will reopen permanently once the car park is complete.

New berths for Skipperi

Please be advised that construction of some additional berths for Skipperi is planned to start in the vicinity of Z pier from around mid-late October. The work will involve piling, which will start near the end of Z34 and Z35, along with the construction of some floating piers.

Access to any berths should not be impacted, and at this stage, we do not envisage having to relocate any vessels. The project is expected take approximately two-three weeks to complete. We will do our best to keep the disruption to a minimum.

Fire alarm system upgrade

The fire alarm system for our piers has reached the end of its operational life and will be replaced with a new system. The upgrade is planned to occur in early 2023 and will be delivered in stages, pier by pier. There should be minimal disruption to pier users.

U pier refurbishment

The refurbishment of U pier is nearing completion and we hope to have it wrapped up in the coming month. Thanks to the berth occupants who have relocated while this work has been underway.

G, J and H pier upgrades

G, J and H pier replacements are being delivered in a staged approach to allow vessels to be accommodated on other piers for the duration of the works. The upgrade of G pier is now complete and vessels will occupy the new berths sometime this month. There has been a manufacturing delay of the new G pier gate and until it can be installed, there will be temporary access to G pier via the F1 pier gate.

Boats are currently being relocated from H and J piers. Demolition and reconstruction works will begin on these piers once all vessels have been moved. We thank you for your patience while this work is underway.

Underground services upgrade

Great news! The work to upgrade underground services along the southern side of the marina linking to Beaumont Street is finally complete. Thanks for your patience while this essential work was carried out.

Harbour Bridge Park – Curran Street

Eke Panuku recently sought public feedback to understand:

  • how Harbour Bridge Park is being used
  • if people support its plan to upgrade the park
  • what they like and do not like about the proposed design.

A total of 96 submissions were received and the feedback is currently being considered by the design team at Eke Panuku. A report summarising the feedback received has been sent to submitters and an update with next steps will be provided later in the year.

To find out more, please visit the Eke Panuku Harbour Bridge Park project webpage.