Future Plan

Projects completed & underway
Westhaven Marine Village
This multi-tenanted building was constructed in 2020 to allow marine based service providers and suppliers to be conveniently located for the benefit of marina users. The building is now home to the marina office as well as some of Westhaven’s marine industry. Solar panels were installed on the roof in 2021 to increase the building’s sustainability.
Westhaven Promenade
The completion of the award-winning Westhaven Promenade (stage one in 2016 and stage two in 2020) provides over 1km of waterfront pathway, opening Westhaven Marina up to the public. It is a popular piece of infrastructure that is well utilised by marina users and the public, as a place where people can recharge, get close to the water, and enjoy the best of what the outdoors has to offer both on land and on sea.
Piers and Pilings Refurbishment
The ongoing refurbishment of marina piers and pilings ensures the marina is fit for purpose, secure and safe, in line with the standard of a world-class marina. D, E, W, U, F and F1 piers have been refurbished most recently.
Watermain Upgrade
Westhaven watermains have been replaced to provide quality water to all the marina piers and buildings.
Pile Berth Redevelopment Stage One
Stage one of this project provided 90 new floating berths to help reduce the marina’s current waitlist. The project began in 2019 when a new reclamation was formed, extending the northern end of the marina. The less-utilised pile berths were consolidated to make space, and the marina’s western entrance was closed off to reduce the tidal effect on boats in this section of the marina.
T pier Bathroom Facilities Upgrade
The T pier toilets were refurbished in 2022 using the award-winning Exeloo product.
Replacement of G, H and J Piers
After being in service for 41 years, G, H and J piers needed replacement to provide premium quality berthage for vessels and future proof the infrastructure for the next 30+ years.
Extension of S Pier
Share boating is growing in popularity and Ownaship have occupied all berths in our extension to S pier with 12 identical vessels.
New Skipperi Berths at Z Pier
Construction of additional berths for Skipperi was completed in late 2022. This project reconfigured the Z pier piled area into finger berths to be used in the growing boat share industry. Skipperi has committed to ordering 40 new vessels that will be primarily based at Westhaven.
Short-term projects
Pile Berth Redevelopment Stage Two
Stage two of this project commenced in late February 2023 and involves extending the promenade along the southern side of the reclamation, installing new utility services, constructing a new car park and landscaping work. This project is estimated to take approximately ten months to complete.
Fire Alarm System Upgrade
The fire alarm system for our piers has reached the end of its operational life. It is currently being replaced with a new system in stages, pier by pier.
Westhaven Seawall Upgrade
An upgrade to the northern reclamation seawall will protect the area from coastal flooding and build in resilience to future weather events. Anticipated timeframe - construction is expected to begin later in 2023, with completion estimated by early 2024.
Long-term projects
Ablution Block Upgrades
Some of the ablution blocks in Westhaven are outdated and need to be upgraded to ensure they are fit for purpose. Anticipated timeframe - 2026+ (timing will be dependent on the availability of Auckland Council funding).
Harbour Bridge Park
With its outlook, flat terrain and access to the water, this area to the west of the Auckland Harbour Bridge will be improved to create a newly configured public space alongside Curran Street. Anticipated timeframe - 2027+ (timing will be dependent on the availability of Auckland Council funding).
AC Pier
Pile moorings within this space will be interchanged to serviced berths to further support increased pontoon berthage within Westhaven Marina. Anticipated timeframe: 2027+ (timing will be dependent on the availability of Auckland Council funding).
Westhaven North Transformation
The infrastructure along the northern reclamation has been in place since the 1950s. To future proof this space, work is planned to upgrade the area by raising the ground level and buildings with it, to protect against wave overtopping and predicted rising sea levels. Anticipated timeframe - 2027+ (timing will be dependent on the availability of Auckland Council funding).
St Marys Bay Beach
Water quality has been improved with the completion of the Healthy Waters project, which has redirected stormwater overflow to the Waitematā Harbour, and away from St Marys Bay. This is a popular area for recreation use such as paddle boarding and sailing, and St Marys Bay Beach will be dredged, to enable use of the bay in all tides. Anticipated timeframe - 2029+ (timing will be dependent on the availability of Auckland Council funding).